Nestled in the picturesque waters of the Florida Keys, near the historic Bahia Honda Bridge, swims a legend of the deep – the mighty Big Mo, a great hammerhead shark whose tale has captivated the hearts of locals and tourists alike. Big Mo, which gained his name from being “the biggest mo***** in the Florida […]
Dive into the Deep: The Top 10 Shark Movies of All Time
Sharks have fascinated and terrified humanity for generations, inspiring a multitude of thrilling and
spine-chilling films. From heart-pounding suspense to jaw-dropping visual effects, shark movies have
captivated audiences worldwide.
Sharks and Maori Culture: Gods from the Sea
The integral relationship between Maori culture and nature is manifested in its profound reverence for sharks, which are venerated as embodiments of gods, spiritual guides, and foretellers of the future. These majestic creatures are woven into the fabric of Maori society, symbolizing power, guidance, and wisdom. The concept of ‘atua’, or gods and spiritual beings […]
For Sale: The Sharkiest Place on the Web
If you are a shark lover with an interest in sci-comm, independent journalism or just like writing, this is an opportunity to take over a well-established online property and its associated social media platforms.
How cannibalism helps sharks to survive
Shark cannibalism has been in the news recently due to the footage shot by the Bazaruto Centre for Scientific Studies (BCSS) showing a half-eaten oceanic blacktip shark still swimming and hunting off the coast of Mozambique. Having been caught by the researchers, it was in the process of being released when a group of sharks, […]
Column: To save sharks, we must stop overfishing
As with many other aspects of government policy, overfishing and other fishing-related environmental issues are a real problem, but it’s not clear that government intervention is the solution.
Bringing the Angelshark back to Britain: the tentative success of Angel Shark Project: Wales
Angelsharks are now one of the rarest sharks in the world, but a recent sighting in Cardigan Bay Wales as part of the Angel Shark Project: Wales, is causing excitement. Is citizen science making a difference?
Could Britain become a place for seeing great white sharks?
Britain has around forty species of shark, including the basking, thresher, porbeagle, greenland, mako and blue sharks.
Tampa Bay artist launches Kickstarter campaign for shark conservation
TAMPA – Every year, around the world, about 100 million sharks are killed for their fins. Even though they are vital to the marine ecosystem, the issue often gets overlooked. Local artist and entrepreneur, Jessica Adanich, imagines if sharks were fuzzy, people would care more about their survival. Adanich, known for her installation, Fuzzy Sharks, […]
Guest Column: The ‘Why’s’ of shark behavior
If you truly want to protect sharks by deterring them from human infested waters, make sure you’re wearing Shark OFF’s proven shark repellent jewelry
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