The presentation is free although participants must register in advance through the Fins Attached website.
Tagging data reveals full range of blue sharks
Tagging data confirm that blue sharks migrate incredibly long distances, with some even crossing the equator from the North Atlantic to the South Atlantic.
Researchers search for elusive oceanic whitetip pupping grounds
Once considered one of the most abundant shark species in the world, commercial fishing and the shark fin trade have decimated their numbers.
Acidic oceans may corrode shark skin
Prolonged exposure to seawater containing higher than normal concentrations of carbon dioxide could have a corrosive effect on the dermal denticles that make up a shark’s skin.
The Conversation: Shark nets are destructive
In the process of catching targeted sharks they also catch other animals including turtles, rays, dolphins, and harmless sharks and fish.
Chance sighting reveals transatlantic trek of basking sharks
Western and Queen’s University Belfast discovered the second recorded evidence of transatlantic movement of a basking shark, the second largest shark on the planet. Images of a female basking shark were captured by an underwater photographer off the coast of Cape Cod nearly three years after it was fitted with a satellite transmitter at Malin […]
Whale shark nursery found in Red Sea
Scientists from King Abdullah University for Science and Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute recently completed a six-year study of whale sharks around the Shib Habil reef in Saudi Arabia.
Degraded environments stunt shark development
A new study found that sharks born into environments degraded by human-induced stressors develop more slowly than those who grow up in more pristine habitats.
Shark Talks: Shark Ecologist Bradley Strickland
With the Atlantic hurricane season in it peak, one of the questions we have been running across frequently is “what do sharks do during a catastrophic weather event.” To find out, we reached out to Bradley Strickland, a doctoral student at Florida International University in Miami. One of Strickland’s area’s of research includes a long-term […]
Blue sharks reveal secret ocean buffets for large predators
A new study by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Applied Physics Lab at the University of Washington found that sharks ride fast-moving currents to dive to depths where prey is plentiful. Using satellite tags attached to more than a dozen blue sharks off the Northeast Coast of the U.S., the researchers found that […]