A fisher in Indonesia got more than he bargained for after catching a shark in his trawler. Abdullah Nuren, from the fishing village of Pepela on Rote Island, was fishing with his brother on Saturday night. Suddenly, the pair discovered pregnant sharks caught in the nets. According to local source Viva, the next day, Nuren […]
The Reefer: This Week’s Shark News from around the Net
Greetings Sharkophiles, As this site continues to evolve, we’re constantly trying to figure out the best ways to stay on top of all the shark news. As part of our effort to simplify this process, we will be condensing some of the most fascinating news, fantastic videos and amazing photos into a weekly rundown of […]
Teen diving for lobster bitten by shark in Encinitas
A 13-year-old boy diving for lobster on the opening day of the season was attacked by a shark Saturday morning near Beaconâs Beach in Encinitas, authorities said. Read the full story here: sandiegouniontribune.com
Four sharks culled in Queensland after Whitsundays attack
Four tiger sharks swimming through the Whitsundays have been shot and killed days after a woman and a 12-year-old girl were mauled in separate attacks. Fisheries Queensland confirmed they culled four sharks, including one which was 3.7m long, over the weekend after Tasmanian Justine Barwick, 46, and schoolgirl Hannah Papps were bitten on Thursday and Friday […]
Shark comes close to shore in South Beach, sending swimmers running
Beachgoers spotted at least one shark swimming close to the shore, briefly causing a stir in South Beach Sunday morning. Read the full story here: WPLG
Local businesses and tourists are embracing Cape Cod’s great white shark boom
Double-digit sightings of great white sharks just yards off the shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, are a daily occurrence, making it a mecca not only for scientists and educators but tourists, who hope to catch a glimpse of this fascinating creature. Read the full story here: CNBC
How to Survive a Shark Attack
When a shark does bite a human, it is most often what biologists call an “exploratory bite” — the fish is investigating and will let go. Even a brief encounter with shark teeth can result in profuse blood loss and severed limbs. Read the full story here: www.nytimes.com
Boston man escapes shark by repeatedly punching it
William Lytton, the man who survived a shark attack this summer in Truro,is telling the story of how he escaped the jaws of what is believed to have been a great white. Source: Boston Magazine
Shark nicknamed ‘Old Hitler’ is legend on Gulf
BOCA GRANDE — For decades, legendary hammerhead Old Hitler has been the subject of fishing folklore up and down the southern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Depending on the source, Old Hitler has a head as wide as a pickup truck, and is longer than most of the fishing boats it’s been spotted from. […]
Record hammerhead shark brings talk of legend
Just off the sandy white beaches in the aquamarine waters of Florida lurks a monster with a head as “wide as a truck” that could “eat a 200-lb tarpon in two bites.” Or, so the legend has it. Earlier this month, Port Charlotte’s Clyde “Bucky” Dennis pulled his second world-record, great hammerhead shark from the […]