New rules regarding shore-based shark fishing in Florida went into effect on July 1. The new rules are intended to increase survival of released sharks, improve information gathering for the fishery and address some of the public safety concerns related to the fishery.
These new rules, which were endorsed by the Sharkophile editorial team, include:
- Chumming when fishing for any species from the beach is prohibited.
- Prohibited shark species must be immediately released when fishing from the shore. If caught, anglers are required to cut the leader, line or hook to prevent delaying release.
- Prohibited shark species must remain in the water when fishing from either shore or from a vessel.
- Anglers must use non-offset, non-stainless-steel circle hooks to target or harvest sharks when using live or dead natural bait when fishing from shore and from a vessel.
- Anglers must be in possession/use a device capable of quickly cutting the leader or hook when targeting sharks when fishing from shore or a vessel.
All anglers who will target sharks must also take a mandatory, no-cost, annual Shore-based Shark Fishing Permit and educational course for shore-based anglers and other requirements that apply to all shark fishing and fishing from the beach in general.
The Shore-based Shark-Smart Fishing educational course and Shore-based Shark Fishing Permit are now available online. To take the educational course, which must be completed before getting the permit, visit MyFWC.com/SharkCourse.
The permit is required for all shore-based shark anglers age 16 and older, including those 65 and older who are normally exempt from needing a fishing license. Those under 16 are required to take the educational course unless they are fishing with an adult who already holds the permit. Persons under 16 are not required to get the permit.
The education and permit requirements also apply if you plan to fish from shore for any species of fish and will be:
- Fishing with a metal leader more than 4 feet long.
- Using a fighting belt/harness.
- Deploying bait by any means other than casting (kayaking for example) while using a hook that is 1.5 inches or larger at its widest inside distance.
For more, visit MyFWC.com/Marine and click on “Recreational Regulations” and “Sharks.”