This measurement has been previously studied in both captured sharks and those tagged with tracking devices; however no one had ever measured blood stress values for an entire population.
New population study reveals South Florida’s most prevalent shark species
The study, which will appear in the scientific journal Ocean & Coastal Management, examined 3,398 sharks caught and released off Miami and the Florida Keys from 2009 to 2021.
The Conversation: Shark Week looms, but don’t panic
Data from the International Shark Attack File compiled over the past 60 years show a tight association between shark bites and the number of people in the water.
Shark Talks: Shark Ecologist Bradley Strickland
With the Atlantic hurricane season in it peak, one of the questions we have been running across frequently is “what do sharks do during a catastrophic weather event.” To find out, we reached out to Bradley Strickland, a doctoral student at Florida International University in Miami. One of Strickland’s area’s of research includes a long-term […]
SharkoFiles: Bull Shark
The Bull sharks are common sharks who are known for their aggressive behaviors and often live near highly populated areas such as tropical shorelines. Alongside the great whites and tiger sharks, the bull sharks are considered to be the most likely shark species to attack humans. According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), bull […]
Florida man falls overboard, gets bitten by bull shark
A man fishing on a charter boat in Boca Grande Pass in Florida fell overboard and was bitten by an approximately eight-foot bull shark. The angler, Paul Kelly, was battling an estimated 150-pound tarpon in the Pass when the fish pulled him over board. As he tried to swim back to the boat, the bull […]
Dr. Jaws: A love letter to Carcharhinus Leucas
This guest column is brought to you by award-winning author Zachary Webb Nicholls, also known as “Dr. Jaws.” Read more from him at or pick up his latest book, The Bull Shark Compendium, here. People who dearly love sharks (Sharkophiles, if you will) may find themselves frustrated by the lack of deep coverage on sharks in popular culture; […]
Analysis shows some sharks still vulnerable to fishing pressure
A new study from the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science found that despite the habitats’ of several vulnerable species of sharks being “relatively well protected from longline fishing,” there are still areas in the Southeast United States where the sharks continue to face fishing pressure. The new study, which focused on great […]
Introducing the official Sharkophile apparel store
When we officially launched this site last year, we had a batch of long-sleeve fishing shirts printed up to help spread the word about our fledgling operation. They also had the unintended consequence of being so comfortable, they got worn every where. As a Floridian who is outdoors quite a bit, they were the perfect […]
Bull sharks swarm resort island in Indian Ocean
In just over 30 years, the French Island of La Réunion in the Western Indian Ocean has experienced over a 20-fold increase in the number of reported shark bites. The study found that human development on the west side of the island, which led to a greater outflow of freshwater into the ocean had resulted in […]