The main goal of this unusual race is to further key scientific research aimed at saving these and other endangered shark species.
Mako and shale sharks race to save their fellow sharks
SPOT satellite tags utilize the latest in ocean wildlife tracking technology to allow researchers and the public to follow the sharks online in near real-time via the GHRI Race Tracking Website.
Florida signs shark fin bill into law
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into law the bill that bans the importation of shark fins into Florida and closes loopholes that enabled the illegal shark fin trade.
Florida may be next state to ban shark fin trade
The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation is among the conservation groups supporting the passage of the proposed legislation, Florida HB 401 and SB 680, which were introduced in late 2019.
Protections fall short for open water shark species
The study, published in Global Ecology and Conservation, found that making minor changes to Australia’s marine parks could make a major difference.
Why bycatch is one of the greatest risks to sharks facing extinction
The shark finning industry has become so lucrative that fishing vessels incidentally catching sharks end up retaining their fins in numbers nearly equivalent to the targeted fish species (Camhi, 1999; Pawson and Vince, 1999). Two mechanisms expose sharks to overfishing, one of which is through direct exploitation, where sharks are intentionally hunted and captured for […]
US, EU strike down mako shark protections at ICCAT
Proposed protections for shortfin mako sharks fell short after the European Union and the United States refused to back the measures during this year’s the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas in Mallorca, Spain. Ten countries, including Canada and Senegal, backed the measure to ban the retention of seriously overfished North Atlantic Shortfin […]
Mako conservation on agenda for ICATT meeting
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas will consider proposals to ban the retention of shortfin makos and require that all sharks landed have their fins still attached to ease finning ban enforcement during its meeting this week in Mallorca. “The U.S. has long been a global leader in shark conservation and never has […]
Sri Lanka steps up domestic protection for local sharks
Sri Lanka’s waters are home to 63 shark and 42 ray species, but many are threatened by overexploitation to feed the growing demand for shark fins, meat, and liver oil.
Mako sharks’ migration shows impressive sense of memory
Tracking data off the western coast of the United States showed how advanced mako sharks’ sense of navigation and site memory really is.