Sharks and rays, magnificent ocean creatures, face an unprecedented threat within the vast expanse of tuna fisheries. A recent groundbreaking study has exposed the severe consequences of bycatch, the unintentional capture of marine species, on these vulnerable creatures, highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts. Conducted by an international team of scientists, the study examined […]
The Battle to Save the Critically Endangered Daggernose Sharks
Once a thriving species, Daggernose Sharks (Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus) are now on the brink of extinction. In the past decade alone, their population has declined by 99%. These magnificent creatures, known for their unique characteristics, have become unintentional victims of artisanal fisheries. They are now classified as Critically Endangered, signifying the urgent need to protect them […]
Preserving the Depths: The Battle for Shark Conservation in the Philippines
Sharks, the magnificent rulers of the deep, are facing a concerning decline due to increasing fishing pressure and high demand for their sought-after products. Sharks play a crucial role in the rich waters of the Philippines economically and ecologically. This paper uncovers the legal frameworks, from international to local, that serve as the cornerstone for […]
Tales of Miss Costa: The Tweeting Shark Changing our Understanding of Nature
Miss Costa is not your average white shark. This marine creature was tagged and released off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, by the non-profit organization OCEARCH in 2016. But what sets her apart is her unique social media presence. With over 18,000 Twitter followers, Miss Costa is a digital sensation. Her oceanic whereabouts are tweeted […]