Researchers found that when food was provided, interactions between these animals became less random and more one-sided with “take it or leave” attitudes exhibited
The new Caribbean Shark Coalition
The Caribbean Shark Coalition Over 40 organizations representing 29 countries join to form the Caribbean Shark Coalition (CSC). Founded in 2020, the CSC is a collection of member experts from NGOs, local communities, intergovernmental organizations and governments, academia, and policy institutes working together to advance the study and conservation of Caribbean sharks and rays. The […]
Shark Hero Talks: Jim Abernethy
Jim Abernethy My first interview in shark conservation as a journalist could not have been with a cooler human. Our biography covering Abernethy’s work is here, while a glimpse of his cinematography work is found on Netflix’s “Tales by Light: Misunderstood Predators.” I was delighted to speak to Jim over the phone. In the end, […]
PBS to feature Hawaii’s shark species in new ‘Nature’ documentary
The documentary will look at the 40 species of shark that call the waters near Hawaii’s islands their home, including whitetip reef sharks, Galapagos sharks and the tiger shark.
Motion capture study reveals swimming style of tiger sharks
A new video study revealed that tiger sharks prefer a slow and methodic pattern of swimming as opposed to taking a swift, torpedo-like approach.
The Conversation: Shark Week looms, but don’t panic
Data from the International Shark Attack File compiled over the past 60 years show a tight association between shark bites and the number of people in the water.
OCEARCH records tiger shark on trans-Indian Ocean trek
OCEARCH said the female shark named Sereia made a 4,000-mile transoceanic journey from Africa to within 800 miles of Indonesia’s coast.
Caribbean sharks need expanded protection
Recent research suggests that sharks are surprisingly rare in many Caribbean nations, likely due to decades of unregulated overharvest.
Sharks and rays becoming more prevalent in recreational angling
The increased interest in recreational shark angling further compounds problems caused by the overfishing by commercial fishing.
Fish hooks can impede sharks’ ability to feed
According to the study, hook retention is a widespread issue that likely affects millions of shark species, including blue sharks, makos and tiger sharks.