A new immersive underwater virtual reality experience takes users into the world of tiger and hammerhead sharks.
A first-hand account of scuba diving with sharks in the Bahamas
One of the most interesting dives for any certified scuba diver is the shark dive. During most dives in the Caribbean, seeing a shark is actually a rare occurrence and considered a bonus since they don’t tend to stay around very long if they are sighted anyway. One quick glimpse and they are gone […]
Why do sharks dive?
By Michelle Wheeler, Particle Is it to regulate their body temperature? Conserve energy? Find food? Tiger sharks at Ningaloo Reef are thought to search the seafloor for prey as they dive down and scan for silhouettes as they swim up to the surface. But could there be other reasons why the sharks continuously move […]
Hammerheads at highest risk for post-catch mortality
Hammerhead sharks were found to be most vulnerable to post-release mortality after being caught, according to a study led by scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. The UM scientists experimentally simulated catch-and-release fishing on five shark species – […]